Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

How to Dream for Success?

imagescaqeb8ys.jpg Dreams are information given to us in picture form. The subconscious mind and the imagination work together to produce the answer or information we have requested before going to sleep. The subconscious beliefs and the imagination are the storehouses of all our memories, as well as being connected to the collective unconscious and the cosmos. It is their combined set of thought energies that produce the psychological and physiological responses you experience during your dreams.

Nightmares are defined as the flight or fight mechanism. Just as when you are awake, your body in the dream state experiences the same increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Sleepwalking can be defined as a nightmare, as it puts the dreamer in a state of physical action.

Dreaming of a passionate past or present lover, gives the feeling of participating with the person on an emotional and biological level. Yet at the moment of the dream, you are not physically with the other person(s), but alone in your bed.

Daydreams are under our conscious control. They come from our imagination, that place within us that has no address and is one of the keepers of our every thought, emotion, word and deed – positive or negative. When you want to remember a scene or event in your life – you may simply close your eyes, think about what you want to remember, and “walla” your imagination puts on the show for your conscious mind to remember what happened. (Unless you have created a form of selective amnesia concerning your childhood years – than you will draw a blank. If this is the case dreaming is an excellent way to deal with the past.)

 Literal dreams, are connected to events that have happened to us during the day. If these events are in our thoughts as we drop off to sleep, we begin producing pictures or scenes that are re-enactments of the situation as literal dreams with people and emotions connected to the situation. We do this if we are not comfortable with the information we have already consciously received. Literal dreaming indicates you are searching for more information about the event. Reliving events in your dreams removes your subconscious belief’s barriers to the situation, giving you an unbiased picture of what is “really happening”.
Sleeping dreams are not consciously controlled; they come to us during sleep. Dreaming pictures, emotions, and scenes are spontaneous, unless one becomes adapt at lucid dreaming – more about that later.
 Prophetic Dreams, for tell the future. The Bible and History are filled with Prophetic dreams that have changed the course of history, saved cultures and helped humanity. There is neither time nor space in our dreaming world – thus the ability to dream a prophetically. Dreams of inspiration, information and solutions have been responsible for determining the destiny of countless individuals, as well as shaping the history of nations, in this context; dreams are recognized as both prophetic and powerful.
Dreams can be positive, negative, complicated, simplistic, mysterious or pragmatic as life itself. Why? They are reflecting our life, at the time of the dream, which can be complex or simple. Dreams can be used as our own “Private Investigator”. We all have the ability to instruct our ”P.I.” to contact that part of us that holds the information and solutions we are looking for during sleep. Once contact is made with our dreaming mind, it will begin to give us the answer to our questions through our dreams. Giving us information that cannot come to us in no other way, but in our dreams. Â


All of our dreams have a message for us. Our task is to determine what the dream’s message is. Once we have deciphered what the message is, understanding it, than we must act upon the message, either by taking certain steps which may alter our life’s direction for the better, or use the information in the dream to understand our conscious and current subconscious beliefs.

We all have the potential to solve our problems, write books, change the direction of our lives through our dreams or become inventors using our dream messages. The sewing machine, lead shot, ball-bearings, canned food and even the atomic bomb were all first viewed in dreams, and all have made an impression in one way or another, for better or worse, on society and history.

To put our dreaming mind to work we must have a conscious thought about what we want to discover through our dreams. We must send our “P.I.” to our dreaming mind with a request for information. Once the dreaming mind connects with the subconscious mind and imagination the pictures begin to flow. The dreams will begin to start, originating from aspect of ourselves, which knows, or has access to, precisely that which we need. Sleeping on a problem – usually gives you the answer.

What can you ask for in your dreams: personal and financial advice, requests for help, healing guidance and comfort, or what is blocking you from accomplishing your goals.

As in all things if you don’t ask, you may not receive an answer to the problem as soon as you like. Asking yourself to dream for information puts receiving your dream answer on the fast track. If you just go to bed every night without asking your dreaming mind for help with the problem or situation that is troubling you – you may wait months for the answer. So like anything else – the choice is yours to dream or not to dream.Â

Dreaming ExercisesÂ

Although you don’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to become a dreamer on demand, there are certain rules that will help you accomplish your becoming an “Easy Dreamer”. Â

Step One; You must acknowledge that a dream can help you.Â

Step Two: You must give your dreaming mind instructions. Asking what you want to know about a situation, a person, or an event. Your dreaming mind is always waiting for these requests and instructions so that it can help you.Â

Step Three: Start a Dream Journal. In your journal write down the question you want a dream answer for just before going to sleep. Once you have written the question – concentrate on it – by imagining the event, situation or person you want information about

Step Four:Â In your Dream Journal along with your question you will write down your Cognitive Evaluations concerning the question you are asking about.

 Cognitive Evaluation Exercise —What is blocking Your Telepathic Abilities?

Close your eyes, turning your thoughts within and begin to do a Cognitive Evaluations (CE) asking yourself what you subconsciously believe about your telepathic abilities. Â

 Imagine you are telepathic, using that ability to send or receive messages from other people. If your subconscious mind believes you are telepathic – there will be no blocks. If it doesn’t believe it – you will begin to experience thoughts and feelings of why you shouldn’t be telepathic. Now write down those feelings and thoughts.

Re-write this list in order of importance in your Dream Journal. Reading them twice, just before going to sleep, than continue to ask yourself, what is blocking your telepathic abilities over and over again until you drop off to sleep? Don’t be forceful with yourself.

Keep your Dream Journal and a light next to your bed. If you wake up after a dream write down the key words – so when you wake in the morning you will be able to remember the dream in it entirety.Â

If you didn’t remember your dream do the same process each night until your dreaming mind gives you an answer.

A last resort for the non-dreamer is to have someone else dream for you – more about that later.

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